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Any kind of non-human being might have a spiritual or super power beyond human capacity In the Korean shamanist faith, many of whose core elements have been incorporated into Buddhism, it’s not unusual to think that a passing bird could carry the reincarnated soul of your dead uncle, or even that a meaningful memento or particularly beloved musical instrument might have sacred spirits of their own. “We can think that any kind of non-human being might have a spiritual or super power beyond human capacity, whether it is a natural object or artificial object,” Shin told me. All of which makes the idea of other non-humans – such as robots – adopting human qualities not exactly cause for alarm in South Korea. “It makes sense that animistic features of shamanism might go well with robots, which are not living agents but have some characteristics of human beings,” said Dong-kyu Kim, a shamanism scholar at Sogang University’s Institute for the Study of Religion. View image of South Korea sold more than 41,000 robots in 2016 (Credit: Credit: Jung Yeon-Je/Getty Images) In this way, ancient spirituality may have primed the Korean people to be more culturally and socially open-minded to autonomous devices than perhaps Westerners. Armed with this accepting attitude, South Korea became an ideal breeding ground, and consumer market, for advanced robotics innovation. In 2016, South Korea sold more than 41,000 robots, second most on the planet, according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) . That’s nearly half as many as China, which is more than 25 times as populous and 95 times as big. In fact, South Korea has the highest level of industrial robot density in the world. In the manufacturing industry, there are 631 robot workers for every 10,000 human employees, reports IFR.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20171205-why-south-korea-is-an-ideal-breeding-ground-for-robots
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“I was told by my boss this morning that our Chinese partners [based in Beijing and Shandong] said they won’t send group tourists to South Korea as of January,” the representative said, without giving reasons. Another travel agent in Beijing told the South China Morning Post that bans on group tours to South Korea remained in place. “We haven’t heard any updates from the National Tourism Administration so group tours to South Korea remain unavailable,” the agent said. Missile row casts long shadow as South Korea tries to reboot relations with China But package tours to individual Chinese tourists went back on sale last month, she said. In March, Beijing ordered travel agencies in China to suspend group tours to South Korea in response to Seoul’s decision to deploy the Terminal High Area Altitude Defence (THAAD) system, a network of radars and interceptors designed to knock out incoming ballistic missiles. Seoul said the system was to ward of rising threats from Pyongyang but Beijing said its could peer through its own defences. More than 8 million Chinese visited South Korea last year but this year’s total is expected to be about half that figure. Before the ban, Chinese tourists accounted for about half the revenue of South Korean hotel chains, cosmetics companies, and duty-free shops. Bank of Korea forecast the ban will result in about US$4.5 billion in lost revenue for the tourism industry this year. Actress Song Hye-kyo among South Korean stars in Moon Jae-in’s China charm offensive But there have been some signs of a thaw in relations since November when the neighbours agreed to normalise ties – state-owned operator China CYTS Tours featured South Korean trips on its website.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2125018/china-bans-group-tours-south-korea-once-again-says