Understanding Important Details For
McKee and Hill are both still in their 20s, but they are currently helming LeadTrain’s booming business. Organized in 2016, the Orem company is a software as a service platform that helps direct sellers manage their business and relationships. The two founders started out together at a local network marketing company, and saw firsthand the pain points for sellers in the industry. McKee said he handled daily calls from distributors who were confused and frustrated with how they should be selling the products. Helping these people became his and Hill’s goal. “You’ve got people — stay-at-home moms and those leaving corporate positions — who want to start their own business. But they are not seeing successes. We thought, what if we could hold their hand, help these distributors be more successful and improve the image of the industry?” McKee said. “We realized they needed more help than a 15-minute call.” McKee and Hill initially started a marketing consulting firm, helping clients through the process. They grew very quickly and realized they needed to develop automatic tools to empower these entrepreneurs with business knowledge and skills.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.heraldextra.com/business/local/orem-s-leadtrain-helps-network-marketers-manage-their-business/article_59f09321-7d4f-5ed6-98a1-2355d2ca1163.html
Helpful Guidance On Logical Products In

Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) and Marc Veasey (D-Texas) introduced the legislation. The language in the appropriations bill resembles H.R. 3409, defining and prohibiting pyramid schemes, said Mariano, who added the language suggests distributors’ personal use of products “is not necessarily a piece of evidence that should be used to prove something is illegal.” It’s unlikely both chambers of Congress would vote on a standalone bill like H.R. 3409. According to Skopos Labs, the bill has a 7 percent chance of being enacted. Mariano also acknowledged pyramid scheme language may not be included in any final appropriations bill passed into law to fund the federal government for the current fiscal year. “If that’s the case, then of course we will continue to actively support and solicit more support for this anti-pyramid consumer protection legislation, and I hope successfully,” Mariano said. Others have argued pyramid scheme language introduced in Congress would weaken FTC’s ability to protect consumers.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/regulatory/multi-level-marketers-gain-pyramid-scheme-resource-ftc-guidance
